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it's so boring and tired
it's so boring and tired these few days as it was Chinese New Year...tml must go back sch i wish it was the end of the year...this year get very little ang pow...then now very puzzled abt some things...wadever...i found it strange that the cousins who i am closer to seems to be drifting then the cousins who i'm not that close to are closer to me now...then my cousins are quite close to one to mix with others then forget abt me...jealous...actually not, but in fact i'm feeling depressed...cos all of them can get well with each other then i'm the lonely one...maybe i think too much bah...but it's the truth wad...
today went for tuition...i was the 1st to go cos i did well then quite deligheted cos this is the 1st time i did something that well...had a Very Good with 3 stars on kindergarden kids...but i doubt that i can maintain this kind of standard...then went to my cousin's house...he got an organ...though it's better than mine but still dun haf the function required...i also dunno how...see skills also so lousy...i'm now feel sick abt somethings too...haf been bothering me for days, weeks, months and years... be true to urself
7:51 PM ytd after sch, went out wif Shi Hua, Ling, Shu Wen, Eliz, Hui Xian, Victoria, Shu Yun, Mei Fang, Mei Yee, Emily and some of the guys, Marvin and etc...i quite disappointed yet glad cos...haiz...some of you may noe why...then Shu Yun went home while the rest of us went to PS to watch movie but then the movie only starts at 7 plus so Shi Hua, Ling and I went to Bugis and shop...then we went back to PS and find the ended at nearly 10 then some went home while some went to eat then i went to grab something to eat cos my mum wans me to get home quick...when i reach home, after a while arnd 11:45pm, then my parents and my aunt went to work...
today, i went to help them in the morning then went out wif Shu Wen, Shi Hua and Ling to Bugis Street...we walk walk then Shu Wen and Ling went home 1st...then Shi Hua and i shop there a little while...then we went to Bugis Junction and bought a belt...i like it a lot cos the colour it's striking and matches most of the colours or in fact all but nth is perfect...Shi Hua's one is also very total, i spend arnd $50 for a shoes, belt and top...i'm gonna save more money now cos i really spend a lot this new year...i'm gonna broke... be true to urself
10:16 PM haiz...these few days so much hw to do...i still haven completed my theory work and my arrangements for much to write...still got new songs to mum jus asked me abt the organ but when will she buy? or NV...but least i still can catch up wif the rest...Chem, Phy and Eng haf so much hw...but bo bian...this year O level lei...i found out something but it may not be true...but i dunno how to say...then today jus had the POA re-test...Ms You was shocked that i had to retake the test...many teachers and my parents haf very high expectations of me...and i also haf very high expectations of myself too...cos of this POA test that i failed, i cried...arent i stubborn or wad...haha... be true to urself
5:37 PM these few days so tired...hw and hw...ytd went out wif Ling, Shi Hua, Shu Wen, Eliz, Shu Yun, Mei Fang and Emily to Orchard...they played pool except Eliz, Shi Hua and i...then Shu Yun they all went to eat Swensen's ice cream then Ling, Shi Hua and i went to walk walk at Heeren..then went to Taka and had our dinner...i treat them dinner cos i still got the Taka vouchers...then we chatted and eat until near 10pm...then reached home at near to 11pm...then did POA and Phys went to CO...then had instant noodles for breakfast...then went for organ lesson in the afternoon...learn a new song...but it seems's titled Take 5...then they take turn to play songs except Cheryl and i...then went to Chinatown wif my parents then went home...sian...still
got Eng and some Chem to finish... be true to urself
9:58 PM todae went for CO then had bread for hungry...morning didnt eat...then went for organ lesson...then Stagea Mini is out and i wan it...costs $3000+...but only can put thumbdrive du haf diskette...i played Tsunami as teacher wans to hear if there's any improvement...then i'm very pleased wif my playing...Benjamin and the "yellow guy" then clapped after my happy...then the "yellow guy" aka Han Yang also played Tsunami...Benjamin and Cheryl played Winter Again...i lead the class wif Harry Potter but it sucks man...and also one thing...Benjamin wear the same colour t-shirt as me...last week also the same...then went to Orchard and walk the go home... be true to urself
9:18 PM it's only the starting of Jan and everyone's so busy...on mon got chem...tues, got sch then got theory and got nothing for the time being...thursday got CO and tuition...fri got MEP...sat got organ...sun also got tuition...on fri, went for MEP then everyone must but a book...costs $62 each and also adding to it is a ticket for a concert coming Apr which costs $8...a total of $70...then i may be the happiest and saddest of all time on Sat...many things first is abt somebody then during the organ lesson is abt another person...both things make me joyous yet dejected...Benjamin gave me a better impression than b4 but er he..i dun wanna continue le la.. be true to urself
9:44 PM
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